Judging by the amount of submissions we receive that contain copyrighted work, I'm certain that many must be uncertain about what can and can't be used. Take a look at this interesting site and find out about copyright and what it means to you.
on May 07, 2002
a great guide for what is and isn't permissible, as well as the basic steps of protecting yourself.
on May 07, 2002
Excellant! Another site you might want to check out... http://www.rightsforartists.com/siteindex.html
on May 08, 2002
I find it amusing that wincustomize is on this copyright kick, letting us know what can and can't be submitted. The reason for this amusement is simply the fact that I can go through several sections of the site here and find more than a dozen items that are copyright protected, yet they have been posted. I can also find a few items that are trademarks of various companies. Uh can anyone say Apple. We all know how overly protected Apple can be. Anyways, I just think that those of you who decide what is able to be posted and is not should be a bit more uniform in your decisions. Just because it looks good, or may get a lot of downloads doesn't make the material not copyright protected.
on May 08, 2002
You admins may want to start deleting xbox windowblinds skins considering i know Xbox didnt sanction it since i speak to them on a weekly basis.
on May 10, 2002
the guide is great...

but it still doesn't change my views of lawyers...

i still hate them!